"For it is in giving that we receive"

Yet again, we have had another great week here in Year 2. The children are continually achieving targets and setting themselves new ones in order to challenge and stretch themselves further. English sessions have once again been filled with ‘Kiki Chameleons’, with all the children being so creative in their writing. We began the week by looking at commas for lists and how we can use them correctly in our writing. We then wrote a recount of one of ‘Flat Stanley’s’ adventures, of course remembering to include those important commas in our work!

The children have been such ‘Don’t Give Up, Sadie Spiders’ in maths this week as we have continued learning the tricky skills of fractions. I can’t express how proud I was of the children on Thursday, when the whole class showed just how confident they are at recognising fractions of shape and finding fractions of number. We had smiles all round - well done Year 2!

It was lovely to meet with you all on Wednesday evening and to share your child’s successes. I hope that you found the meetings useful and now know how to help your children a little more at home.

Let’s Celebrate

Betsy, you have been such an ‘Enthusiastic Bobby Bee’ in our class this week!  During every lesson you have listened carefully and have confidently shared your ideas with the class.  Nothing is ever too much trouble and you complete everything with such a huge smile on your face.  Thank you Betsy – you are a pleasure to have in the class

Thank you for being such a ‘Cooper Crab’ in our class Matilda.  This week, you have really got stuck into every piece of learning and have listened closely to feedback in order to improve.  I have seen great progress in both your writing and fraction work this week and can’t wait to see what you will achieve if you keep this up.  Well Done Matilda!  


Lenten Masses - Once again Mass was lovely this morning. Please don’t forget the next Lenten Mass will take place on Friday 20th March at 8am in the hall.

Almsgiving - This week’s Cafod almsgiving challenge is to try and make your bed every day - 20p

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Woodend and Mrs Connolly