It has been such a joy to be back with your lovely children this week. They have really grown both in height and in maturity whilst I have been away. I am now fully recovered and have lots of exciting things planned for the coming weeks!
So far, we have learned how to solve Anglo-saxon riddles which is why I started with the one above. The answer is : A SMILE which we have certainly had a lot of this week!
We have been learning the 9x tables in maths - some children already had some interesting patterns they noticed about the 9x table. Dont forget they can search for Percy Parker on You Tube if they like to learn by song! We had a super lesson at swimming where children learnt how to save lives by a river. They were very loving as they soothed their survivors after retrieving them from the water.
We are also diving into our Science work on sound - children learned (through an investigation) that sounds get fainter as you move away from the sound source. The big question is ‘What is sound?’ and we will be endeavouring to discover this through many investigations and experiments over the next three weeks.
With Miss Edmondson, children wrote some amazing Brer Rabbit stories earlier in the week. They are so funny and full of character!
Thanks so much for all our Lenten donations so far! I was very impressed with children’s lists of jobs that they are doing at home for Lent - make the most of it parents! This week, we would like children to tidy up one room in the house.
Please continue to support their alms giving and bring in those little donations throughout lent.
Let’s Celebrate!
This weeks learning certificates:
Victor received a Kiki Chameleon certificate for bubbling with enthusiasm in all subjects and using creative thought.
Kaya received a Sadie SPider certificate for being so perseverant on her Brer Rabbit story and for never giving up on her tasks.
Well done both of you!
Swimming: Next week is a normal swimming lesson. Please come with usual swimming kit. The week after, children will be doing life-saving again so will need their pyjamas and swimming costume as they had this week. Then they have one more lesson as normal. After Easter we no longer have swimming lessons. All children have progressed brilliantly!
Please could you continue to write in children’s homework books each week so that they can be rewarded with learning points. This is really helpful, as we can see exactly what they have been up to. Homework is due in on Thursday to give us time to mark it.
PE times the same until Easter - Wednesday - Yoga, Thursday - swimming and Friday - inside PE - children will need shorts under their tracksuits. If any children have verrucas they will need verruca socks.
We do have two school trips coming up. One is a simple trip to the beach to examine rocks and fossils and another will be a trip to Tatton Park on Friday 22nd May to learn about Anglo-saxons and Vikings. This is a trip where we would like children to dress up as an Anglo-Saxon or Viking for the day- I will give more details in upcoming weeks but I thought I would let you know well in advance!
Finally, thanks for your patience regarding parent’s evening. This will now take place on Thursday 16th April and I look forward to sharing their progress with you.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Lyons