"We are more powerful when we empower each other."

This week has been really busy, as per usual in the Year 6 classroom. I am sure you will have all heard about Dorothy’s adventures in Kansas and her whirlwind of a journey to Oz. For two weeks we have been immersed in the land of the Munchkins as we have written our own versions of the story with a new disaster and a new character. Yesterday, the children turned their stories into a first person story; they were Dorothy travelling to Oz. These stories, are turning into novels. They will take me until July to mark I think, but I am so excited to read them. In maths, we have all received feedback on our two maths papers now, these should be coming home, and we have turned our attention to percentages and how they work alongside fractions and decimals. Today, the children have been working in learning partners to develop their maths knowledge further. We have heard the children having challenging conversations with each other, they are really challenging each other to be the best versions of themselves.

Thank you to all of the parents who attended Parents’s Evening on Wednesday. I loved discussing your child’s progress with you and sharing all of the things that they are doing well and their development points. The biggest thing to do is to keep an eye on their homework and the standard of their homework. This is closely linked to the work that we are doing in class and their end of year assessments.

On Friday 13th March, we had 13 members of our class at Mass this morning. This is slightly low for us. Please if, you haven’t been before, please make an effort to attend school mass in Lent. Please continue to collect alms giving money at home. This week, can you make your bed every single day for 20p?

Learning Awards

Well done to Hiruni and Jayden. Both of these children have been awarded the complete learner certificate for embodying all learning characters this week.

Hiruni was instrumental in the organisation of our school book fair this week. She helped every single night as a librarian, and supported younger children with finding books.

Jayden has given everything this week. A wonderful learning partner, a great piece of writing and some super maths.

Well done to both of you!

Please continue to keep an eye on the blog each week, as we approach our end of year assessments, this is crucial.

Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine.

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster.