"Life is a one time gift. Use it in the best possible manner. So love, laugh and live. Be yourself and have trust in God."

I am sitting here, writing this blog, with a huge smile on my face. This week has been challenging to say the least. We have laughed, cried, been frustrated but more importantly, we have continued to live our lives and to enjoy every moment of it. There is no doubt that we are all sad about what has happened. I have watched the children be the most wonderful, compassionate, caring and humble group of children this year, who have led our school with such respect. I absolutely know that the children would have relished everything that the Summer term brings to Year 6 and I am still hoping that we will be back at some point before the Summer…I am praying. With all of this in mind, I want to assure you all that whatever happens, we will come together at some point to celebrate what wonderful children they are and just how much they have achieved. The Leaver’s Mass and the Pleasure Beach trip will take place…at some point. Whether this is in July or on a Saturday in September. We will make sure it goes ahead.

I have always said that the assessments are a small reflection of what the children can do and that they are a small measure of them as a person. Saying all of that…we are so disappointed that the children will not have the opportunity to showcase just what they can do. As I am writing this, the children are in class, wanting to finish off their papers so that I have up to date assessment data on them…what a group! Throughout this year, the children have constantly challenged themselves to be the best that they can be and their results have been amazing. This is the information that will be passed up to their new high school, along with all of their talents that the children have.

Despite depleted numbers this week, we have still continued to learn and to challenge ourselves. We have created images of the world and all of the colourful and positive things in the world. Year 5 have come to join us towards the end of this week and we have kept calm and carried on. As of Monday, I will be posting daily lessons for the children to complete at home. With them still a term away from high school, it is crucial that they continue to challenge themselves as much as possible at home and complete all tasks to the best of their ability. Some of the tasks will just need to be completed in their home learning books, some will need emailing back to me for feedback and some will be via Purple Mash or photo evidence. My aim is to keep communication flowing and to set up a blog on Purple Mash too.

This weekend, I want all children to create themselves a daily visual timetable of how they are going to operate next week. How much learning time? When will this be daily? When is their exercise time? When is their down time daily? Think about how you are going to organise their day.

Please use my email to contact me n.gregan@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk at any point whilst the children are off and to send work into.

Finally, thank you so much for all of the kind words that I have received this week…you really do not know how much they have meant. I have had the most wonderful year with Mrs Webster, working alongside your children…they truly are a gift from God.
For now, look after each other and take care.

God bless

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster