Home learning websites and ideas - just suggestions from me!

As I have been reading and looking on the internet I have seen lots of nice ideas of ways to keep little minds busy and thought some of you might want to try some of them. My niece is in Year 5 and my nephew is in Year 2 and these are some of the things they are hoping to try at home with my brother in law over the next couple of weeks. Any feedback on how these ideas went down with your children would be appreciated as I can pass them on, remember please do keep in touch via our emails. Mine is k.edmondson@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Miss Brisco’s is


  • www.countryliving.com There are lots of live animal feeds around the world from zoos and woodlands that you can watch the animals on.

  • Make a time capsule and bury it in your garden or store it up in a loft. Put in drawings, letters, photos and newspaper clippings. You could open this in years to come and look back at this time with your family.

  • Start the 30 day Lego challenge (photo below)

  •  Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) is airing live PE sessions for children every day at 9am  Monday to Friday on his Youtube channel. Get your PE kit on and get moving. Watch out for Mr Nay’s sports activities too.

  • Get creative in the garden or in the park and use Andy Goldsworthy as your inspiration. Can you make a piece of environmental art? (photo below)

