The Home Learning Journey Begins!

Good afternoon Year 2!

I hope that you are all well and have hopefully managed to safely enjoy some of the lovely sunshine we have had today.

As you know from tomorrow, your learning from home journey is to begin - and what a fun and exciting one it is going to be! Each day at 8am, I will be posting learning challenges and activities for you to complete throughout the day. These will be found in the ‘Learn from Home’ section. Alongside this, I have also posted, and will be adding to, a list of useful websites, ideas and booklets in the ‘How to help your child’ section that can be accessed if and when you wish. I do understand that not everyone will have access to a printer, and so please use any booklets as you wish, e.g. writing out your own version of an activity in the children’s home learning books.

As mentioned in my previous blog, please do keep in touch. My email is I can’t wait to hear all about your time at home and how much you are amazing your families with your incredible focus and determination!

Keep that learning ticking over Year 2 and you will all continue to fly!

Miss you all already,

Miss Woodend