Home Learning - Monday 23rd March 2020

Good morning everybody! I hope you are up and ready and raring to go!

I have created a blog in Purple Mash which you all have access to. Have a look at the images below so that you can locate it. It is there for you to ask questions and to keep in touch. I will respond to anything throughout the course of the day where possible.

You should now all have your home learning books: maths, english and art. All of your home learning tasks need to be completed in these. I am going to try and keep learning the same where possible and I expect you to do the same and operate at the same standard that you would in class.

Please date and title your work, just like you would in class.

You can do these tasks in any order that you like.

Maths - Mrs Hotchkiss has given us access to Sumdog - a platform for online learning. Today, you need to watch the video that she has created in How to help your child. Have a watch of it today and explore the platform. I will be using it to set daily tasks alongside other work that I would like you to complete.

English - I am planning on continuing with our Romeo and Juliet Older Literature Unit that we should have been completing in class. You studied this play last year so you should already have a good knowledge of the text. Have a look at the PDF by clicking on this button. I want you to watch and listen to 3 clips that tell the story of Romeo and Juliet in different ways and then create an S Plan of the story. The S is like a journey of the key events within the play.

Geography - Learning and researching about coastlines is a great project to do whilst at home or in school. It is about understanding how these areas are formed. Have a look at lesson 1. Look at Cromer in Norfolk - why might people visit this seaside resort? At the end of your work, do you know the difference between erosion landforms and depositional landforms?

Have a great day of learning. Continue to produce work that demonstrates you as a learner and what you are capable of! Be the best version of yourself that you can be!

Let me know how you get on via the blog! Send me some photos of you working in your home learning environment, I can then share them on our class website page!
