Home Learning - Tuesday 24th March 2020

I hope that you all had a good day yesterday and settled yourself into working at home. Please send me some photos of you working and how you have organised your house. Don’t forget everything that we have learnt with Mrs Ward in yoga - why not build some yoga practice into your day?

Today’s learning continues to build on Romeo and Juliet, you also have 2 challenges in Sumdog and some RE to work on too.

Maths - Fluency and Fractions

Just like the fluency that we completed in class, you have got a fluency board to complete at home in your maths books. Think about being speedy and accurate!

I have also set you some questions on Sumdog. This week will be all about consolidating our knowledge of fractions. There will be a challenge appearing for your times tables and a work unit. Have a go and see how you get on. Sumdog is new for all of us…it looks like a great resource.

RE - The Transfiguration

Below is the lesson powerpoint presentation on the Transfiguration. Click on the button and have a look at the slides and the work that you are being asked to complete. Below the powerpoint presentation button, there is the scanned copy of the pupil book from in class. You will need this to help you to answer the questions.

English - Romeo and Juliet Scene 1 and Act I Scene 1

During the opening scenes of Romeo and Juliet, there is a public brawl between the Montegues and Capults. I have attached 2 versions of the play. In the first one, read up to page 11. In the second one, read the first two pages.

Read the two opening extracts and watch these two film extracts too..If you are struggling to open them. Try Baz Luhrmann Romeo and Juliet opening scene - certificate 12 and Franco Zeffirelli Romeo and Juliet.

Baz Luhrmann 1996: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEzskNtFnIY

Franco Zeffirelli 1968 version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xawp9co17Z4

As you are watching and reading, collect the Shakespearean language that stands out to you.

Can you write 10 complex sentences about the scene that use an ed opening, ing opening or a ly opening. You will be using these sentences in a piece of writing tomorrow.