Year 4 Monday 23rd March Home Learning


We have a new and exciting way of practising our maths skills! This is called Sum Dog. If you go to the ‘Help your child’ section of Year 4, Mrs Hotchkiss has made a lovely video to explain all about how to get started. Today, I would like you to log in and have a play at some of the games. They look BRILLIANT! From tomorrow, you will have set tasks to complete on this that will appear when you log in!


We are going to be practising some of our grammar skills this week, whilst studying a great film called ‘The Dragon Slayer.’ (Click on link below to view) Today, I want you to get familiar with the film and carry out the activities given on the sheet attached below - Becoming familiar with the story.

It is important that, at first, you only watch the film up to 3 minutes 7 seconds, because then I ask you to predict what will happen next before carrying on watching.

You can answer the questions about the film orally to a grown up or write the answers down.

Don’t forget about your other daily/weekly challenges in the blog section - eg Reading, PE etc