Good morning Year 5 ! I thought we could make Wednesday different- what do you think? Every Wednesday at school you do Maths revision /consolidation, art, cooking or design technology, music and topic- either history or geography. Wouldn’t it be nice if Wednesdays were a little different just like they are in school!!


Sit down with a member of your family and share a family photo album. Many of these photos will be pre-digital. Chat as you look and discover stories about your family you didn’t know.


Now choose one photo of one member of your family to sketch their portrait. I have up-loaded a teaching video for you to watch. I would watch it all the way through first- it is inspiring!! Then play it again pausing as you go to help at each stage. Once complete email a picture and I’ll email you one back of my Grandad (the one that’s in all my stories). Once complete Mrs Curtis has also posted you an art challenge on the Year 5 art page she’s going to do this every Wednesday how wonderful!!!- explore!!!


If you have completed Monday and Tuesdays lessons you are now ready to tackle IXL E4 and for a red challenge E5. You don’t have to get all the way to 100 work for 45mins to 50 like we do in class- then relax.. You will need your maths books to jot down the questions and work out the answers.

Before you tackle TASK 4 - click on the orange “How to help at home” button and watch Archie do 16 kick-ups with his toilet roll- I KNOW 16!!!!- Fergus is not happy!


Select some calm music and settle down , somewhere “super snugly” for a good reading session. Tell me how many chapters you devoured!!! AR have put all their electronic books online and daily newspaper articles especially for children. Click on the link below it explore!


Miss Hornby has posted a beautiful message about praying together. She has also given use lovely “praying as a family” links. I have attached a link to encourage us all to speak to God.

Thank you children for being so focused- I’m loving chatting via email!!! I’ll keep up-loading your pictures!