Home Learning - Wednesday 25th March 2020

I loved seeing so much interaction on the class blog yesterday - it is so lovely to hear from you all. If you haven’t been in touch, please do. I miss you all.

I am loving seeing the work that you are getting up to…keep the photos coming! I know yesterday’s home learning was tricky. Don’t worry if you do not get through all the tasks completely, they can roll over. Some days will be less than others and you can organise yourself. I trust you completely to complete the tasks to the best of your ability.

Today’s learning continues to build on Romeo and Juliet, you also have 2 challenges in Sumdog and some Science to do. Can you also write a prayer for RE? I am going to rotate Science, Geography and RE at the moment so you will get a good handle of each topic.

Maths - Fluency and Fractions

Just like the fluency that we completed in class, you have got a fluency board to complete at home in your maths books. Think about being speedy and accurate! This board is the same as yesterday, just with different numbers. You can mark your own fluency at home to ensure that you are on the right lines.

I have also set you some questions on Sumdog. There is a continuing consolidation of our knowledge of fractions. There will be a challenge appearing for your times tables and a work unit. Have a go and see how you get on. I have been looking each day at how you have been getting on with the maths at home. Keep up the good work! Today you are comparing and ordering fractions. Remember that if fractions are not the same, they cannot be compared.

Science - I am going to use this chance to revise some key concepts that you will need for physics and biology at high school. You will have met some of these concepts but can you remember the learning?

I am going to teach you all about Light in our science topic whilst we are home learning. Light is a great topic and one that you will need to learn all about for when you head off to high school. This one starts with our greatest light source, the Sun! Do your research, answer the questions and then complete the Purple Mash task that I have set you. I will be marking these when you hand them in so make sure they are brilliant. Don’t worry if the Purple Mash task does not get completed today, I will mark these when they come in at another time.

English - Romeo and Juliet Scene 1 and Act I Scene 1

Yesterday you were asked to watch and read the opening scenes of Romeo and Juliet. The Baz Luhrmann version of this play came out when I was at St Bedes, I used it for my Year 9 SATs papers.

Using the sentences that you created yesterday, you are going to write this as a narrative blending action, dialogue and description. Remember all of those toolkits we created when we wrote The Wizard of Oz…I want to see if you have remembered them in this piece of writing as an Outcome 3. Use the Shakespearean language as your dialogue within your story. You are writing the opening of the play as a story. You can choose where the story ends. You could leave it on a cliffhanger. Think about how you are going to start and what atmosphere you are going to create for the reader. We are writing the original play, using all of the stimulus from the texts and films to support you.

“Do you bite your thumb at me Sir,” shouted Abraham, despising Gregory with every word.

“I do bite my thumb at your Sir,” replied Gregory, smugly.

New speaker, new line; variety of sentence openers, evidence of advanced punctuation, evidence of language from the play.

I have left the links below so that you can refer to them in your writing and pull out specific language to use within your writing.

These are the film links that you can keep flicking back to when writing.

Try Baz Luhrmann Romeo and Juliet opening scene - certificate 12 and Franco Zeffirelli Romeo and Juliet.

Baz Luhrmann 1996: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEzskNtFnIY

Franco Zeffirelli 1968 version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xawp9co17Z4

I am really excited about reading these pieces of writing. Always write it in your book, just like you would in school taking care of writing and spelling, and then purple pen and edit. If you could send me a photograph of your writing once you have completed it, that would be great! Tomorrow you will be typing up your writing onto a Purple Mash programme/document, this piece of writing I will be marking.

RE - Prayer of Faith

The Transfiguration is all about faith and the faith that we have in Jesus. There was time during The Transfiguration when Jesus showed his human qualities, he cried. At the moment, everyone in the world needs some faith that things will get better. Can you write a prayer for faith? It would be lovely if you sent some across to me so that I could put them on the website at the end of the week.

Have a really lovely day - the sun is shining so make sure that you get some fresh air and do some PE in the garden too!