Thursday 26th March - Year 2 Home Learning Challenges

Hello Year 2!

I have been absolutely overwhelmed by your photographs of the amazing work you have been completing at home. Please keep them coming, they really have been brightening up my days! I was even inspired to complete the PE with Joe myself - it was very tiring!

Here are the learning challenges for Thursday 26th March:


Access the RWI sessions below. All the children would benefit from accessing the set 3 sounds lesson, however some might also benefit from the other sessions.

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am


Click below for a quick comprehension read. It links with this week’s science lesson. The answers are on the second page for you or an adult to check.

You may have also seen in the ‘How to help your child’ section’, that Accelerated Reader has been made available to access at home. If you go to the help section, you will see that I have posted two links; one for access to free ebooks, and a second for access to Accelerated Reading quizzes at home. Remember, quizzes don’t need to be taken everyday; you may want to read a book more than once or longer stories may take several days to read. Happy quizzing!


Today’s activity is both an English and a handwriting one.
Can you create sentences using the subordination for time words ‘before’, ‘after’ and ‘when’. These can be used at the beginning of sentences or in the middle. Can your sentences include information from chapter 4 of Flat Stanley? For example - Before Stanley caught the sneak thieves, he put on a disguise. Stanley put on a disguise before he caught the sneak thieves.
Can you complete these sentences in your neatest, cursive handwriting? Let’s be those ‘Don’t Give Up Sadie Spiders!’



Complete the task I have set for you today - Count within 100


Throughout this week, please access the materials below:

This will recap the fraction learning we have done in class and will be great for any children who were off during the last week


Using the items in your shop from yesterday, can you change the amounts to any amount of pence under 99p.  Taking it in turns to be the shop keeper and the customer, can you work out how much money is needed, how much change is needed from the coins that you have.  Can you record the additions and subtractions in your maths book?


Please check Mrs Curtis’ art blog for this week’s art lesson.


In class, we have been looking at different parts of the mass.  Today, we will look at the Eucharist, and what happens when we receive the bread and wine.


Can you write what the bread and wine represent?  What happens when Christians receive the bread and wine?  What does it represent?  Can you draw a picture of the bread and wine to accompany your writing?



Miss Woodend