Year 5 Thursday March 26th Learning from home

Well done one and all, the quality of your work is simply fabulous. I’m really enjoying all the emails, I haven’t heard from three members of the class and I’m keen to get in touch so I can help you too!

Please contact me:

Here are your lessons for the day!

TASK 1 Maths

The lesson from Tuesday continues. I have attached the little tasks here. These are the tasks we glue into our books. Some of you have printers and requested a copy so you could glue them into your books. If you have no print just pause the film and work through them!

TASK 2 English writing- extended noun phrases.

You have homework with this one!!!! What! I hear you cry. Over the weekend I would like you to watch ET with your family.


Please keep reading everyday. We are aiming to read for ! hour/day in Year 5. This time can be split up into three 20 min sessions or two half hours. If the book grabs you you may be there for ages (if that happens enjoy - heaven). Now click on the “How to help button” on our blog page. You are able to quiz from here. Evelin read 8 chapters last night and Ethan is halfway through Oliver Twist!

Task 4 Class Blog on Purple Mash

Only four children have worked out how to join the class blog. I realised today that I haven’t given you clear instructions so I’ve made a very short film. Please blog today and celebrate one another- this is a friendly supportive blog. If you have forgotten your password please email me.

TASK 5 Sumdog

I have set another mental maths task for you on SumDog - spend sometime playing. I’m working out how you can play against one another- Would you like that? Let me know.

TASK 6 NESSY and THIRD SPACE (for specific children only)

Please try to do 15/20 mins of Nessy each day- Nessy children (you know who you are). Good Look tomorrow when you have a go at doing Third Space online at home. Set up nice and early it starts at 3pm. Remember to use chrome. Email me and tell me how you got on. They will send me a report after your session.

Have fun