Home Learning - Friday 27th March 2020

Thank you so much for all of your efforts this week, I have loved receiving your emails and seeing the blog…it has brought a real smile to my face!

Today, I would like you to make sure that you have completed all of your learning from this week and you are up to date ready for next week. In maths, I will be putting more formal lessons for you to do online in addition to Sumdog.

Art -

  1. Please check Mrs Curtis’s art blog on the Year 6 gallery. There is a coastline task for you to do. Please send me any photos of your artwork too!

  2. I have set you a Purple Mash task too to create a coastline piece of artwork on there.

Science - How does light travel? What objects do you have in your house? Complete the lesson and the activities that are within the lesson

Enjoy the sunshine today and make sure you are complete your PE. I have put some weekly challenges on the Sport page for you to have a go at!