Continue carrying out your Sum Dog challenges. Are you getting very good at counting in 11’s now? I wonder if you can count in twelves? Write the multiples of twelve in a list in your maths books up to 12 x 12.
Is it similar to the elevens? How?
Purple Mash maths task
This is in your 2do’s on telling the time.
In class last week, we discovered through many activities that sound is caused by something vibrating, which vibrates the air.
Today, it is time to explore volume and pitch. Follow the ideas below and in the ‘Help your Child’ section to find out how the volume and pitch of a sound is changed. I wonder if you can guess how it affects the sound waves? Have great fun exploring!
Today, I would like you to learn how to replace nouns with pronouns. Please read and complete the activity below first. Then do English IXL C1 C2 and C3. If you have more time, you could do C5 and 6 too.