Home Learning - Thursday 26th March 2020

Good morning everybody! I have had a good look at your Sumdog results last night and the report that it is providing me. There are some out and out high flyers on the website…well done! Some of your times on there are amazing. Some children are not accessing it as much as you should. It is a really good tool so please use it to keep your maths ticking along.

There are quite a few children that I haven’t heard from, either by email or on the class blog on Purple Mash. Please, please, please get in touch. We have been such a learning community whilst we were in school, I am really keen to keep this going whilst we are learning online too. Please send me photographs of you working at home and what you are getting up to. Email me whenever you want, even just to say Hi Miss!

Don’t worry if you aren’t completing all of the tasks daily, I know how conscientious you are, they can roll over onto the next day. Friday will be your catch up day to make sure you have completed all of the texts that you have been set during the week.

We have now managed to tweak our AR settings and you can quiz at home on your books. If you go onto ‘How to help your child’ on our Year 6 web page, there is a link to the website. Quiz quiz quiz…see how many points you can gather.

Today’s learning is maths, english/computing and geography…also a little yoga!

Yoga - why not start today with some yoga practice outside. It is beautiful weather at the moment.

Maths - Fluency and Sumdog again today please. The Sumdog focus is multiplying fractions…something which I know you can all do. Please do not forget about the multiplication practice that I am setting as well. Today is x3, x6 and x9. Keep all of this ticking along.

English - Using the writing you completed yesterday, you now have the chance to publish it to me so that I can read and mark it. I have set a ‘to do’ on Purple Mash - Blank Chapter Book. This is your chance to type up your writing, illustrate and send it to me to be marked. Remember, it is just the opening scene of the play - the initial confrontation between the Montagues and the Capulets. I am looking forward to seeing all of the content that as Year 6 writers you can show!

Geography - Why are coastlines constantly changing? Have a look at the following lesson on coastlines. There are various activities for you to complete as you go through the lesson slides. It starts by asking you to look at physical features…these are things such as cliffs, a bay etc.

Have another great day of learning…get plenty of fresh air too.

Oh, I believe that there is a football challenge circling…I have had a video from Ethan. Who else is completing the challenge? I need your videos to create a leader board!
