Thursday 26th March Home Learning for Reception

1. Phonics: We have now learnt all of Reception’s sounds. Please have a look at the sound chart below and find out which sounds your child struggles with. Once you have uncovered what these sounds are, I would like you to spend time each day practising one of these sounds each day.


· Hearing the sound at the start, end and middle of words

· Saying the sound and saying the sound in words using Fred talk e.g. p-e-g

· Spotting the sound in words

· Reading the sound in words

· Writing the sound and writing the sound in a word.

Sound chart for home learning.JPG

2. Lent challenge: Today we would like you to help Mummy and Daddy in the house. Could you tidy your bedroom or playroom? Put your clothes away? Help to pair the socks?

3. Maths: Who can build the tallest tower? How many bricks tall is it? Who in your family built the smallest tower? What is the difference between the two towers (how many extra bricks does the tallest tower have compared to the smallest?) Could you put all of the towers in height order?

4. Sum Dog: Please log in to find today and tomorrow’s challenge all about addition. Enjoy!

Miss Bassett.