Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Friday 27th March

It’s nearly the weekend, and you most certainly all deserve a rest. Just one more day of learning - you can do it!


Access the RWI sessions below. All the children would benefit from accessing the set 3 sounds lesson, however some might also benefit from the other sessions.

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading tabs in the ‘How to help your child’ section.

Maybe you could also enjoy an audio book using the link below:
Amazon Audible - Offering free access to children’s books -


How did Stanley catch the sneak thieves?  What did he have to do?  Collect the information from the chapter.

An art museum in Spain is having the same problem with sneak thieves and have asked for your help to catch them!  Can you write a set of instructions to help them?

Your brushing your teeth instructions were fantastic and you remembered all of the key elements to include:
Title, introduction, what you will need, step by step instructions. 


Today’s task - add and subtract 20. Don’t forget the ongoing fluency challenges too, including times tables.


Throughout this week, please access the materials below:

This will recap the fraction learning we have done in class and will be great for any children who were off during the last week.


Change the prices in the shop to whole pounds (for example £1, £26, not £1.64)  Can the children practise writing the £ sign?  Remember, it goes at the before the number and not after.  Can you add 2 or more prices together?  Can you find the two objects that would make a given amount?  Write your calculations in your maths book. 


Tune in to The Body coach for ‘PE with Joe’ at 9 o’clock this morning, to get you warmed up for the day ahead.

Also try a cosmic kids yoga session here -

Because it’s nearly the weekend …

Why not become a ‘Creative Kiki Chameleon’ and use paint and lego to create pictures like the ones below? Have fun!


Have a wonderful weekend!

Stay Safe,

Miss Woodend