Year 4 Friday 27th March Home Learning

Hello everyone and a happy Friday to you! Here is your home learning below. Have a good rest over the weekend - or catch up on anything you are behind with! Keep up with all that lovely reading too.


The Dragon Slayer grammar! Today we are thinking about using Possessive Apostrophes. I know you did this in class with Miss Edmondson. I have put a video on the Help section and I would like you to read my helpsheet below and then complete the mild, spicy and hot activities in your Yellow Home Learning books. Make sure you feel really confident with how to use apostrophes and especially WHEN NOT to use them - they are not for every word ending in s!


Quite a lot of Sum Dog challenges today to practise those tables. If you dont finish today, do some over the weekend.


I hope you enjoyed your investigation into PItch and Volume yesterday. Today we are going to be thinking about ears and how the sound reaches them. Please read your instructions below on my helpsheet/experiment sheet.

Then read the info about Animal Ears.

Finally, Check your Purple Mash 2 dos make a leaflet all about Animals with the best hearing!