Year 6 Home Learning - Tuesday 14th April 2020

I hope that you have all had a wonderful Easter with your families and that you have enjoyed the sunshine. It certainly has been a nice break to our home learning and given us all time to just be. I am excited about our learning for this half term. I want to continue with Romeo and Juliet, complete our work on Coastlines and start some science - life cycles. As always, I will be really clear with what learning I want to see, that is usually submitted via Purple Mash so that I can give you some feedback.

There is a new blog on Purple Mash too - Summer Term Week 1. Don’t forget to ask any questions and to get involved with the communication on that too.

Please send me photos of you working at home and how you are getting on. I miss you so I want to see what you are up to! Don’t forget to plan breaks and exercise into your daily work…it is really important.

Just a reminder that I am expecting a piece of writing on Holbeck Hall (either a newspaper report or a letter) in the Purple Mash folder. There are a few people who have not completed this. Please can you make sure that it is in the folder by the end of the week so that I can mark it and assess it. Thank you kindly.

Maths - White Rose Home Learning Week 2 - Lesson 1 Scale Factors

Click on the button below to access the website. Please complete Week 2 Lesson 1 - Scale Factors.

Sumdog - I have set you some questions to have a go at - Ratio. As this is a new concept, I have set a target of 20 questions. They are tricky - take your time.

English Romeo and Juliet - The Balcony Scene is on of the most iconic scenes in the whole film, it is where Romeo and Juliet interact for the first time. Today I would like you to watch the clip and to immerse yourself in the feelings of the characters - particularly Juliet. How has Shakespeare and the film maker demonstrated her emotions at different points in the film and text? Today you will be collecting language from texts and films. There is a whole host of buttons below for you to use - work in detail as you will be writing a diary entry this week.

Geography - Coastal Artwork. I thought you might like this task and it is one that I will be doing from home too. It is along the lines of mindful colouring but is coast and beach inspired. Section off a piece of paper into different sections, using tape, and draw a different image of something that is coast like in each part. It might be the pattern on a shell or seaweed or reef or sand or the pattern on a fish. Then colour each section before removing the tape at the end. This can be completed all week. Send me a photo of your art work when you are done.

Coastal artwork.PNG

Beaches - Being an island, the UK has a vast amount of beautiful coastline that attracts millions of people each year. Have a look at this lesson and complete the tasks and questions as you go through it. When you get to the final task, think about how you are going to share that piece of work.

Have a fun day of learning!
Don’t forget to join the school community at 7pm in prayer - 3 Hail Marys.