Year 5 Monday 30th March Learning from Home

Good Morning Year 5! I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. Just one more week to go before our Easter holidays. Thank you to all the children who have sent me pictures of their tasks. It is great to see children being so careful with their work. I know it isn’t easy working at home. The classroom offers structure, routine and support from your learning partners and teachers. It is easier when you can see everyone around you working really hard it motivates us. Just remember to try to be as independent as you can - make your parents proud.


Today we are going to write a setting applying those extended noun phrases. Listen carefully to Mrs Hotchkiss’ advice. You will need a thesaurus- it is each to find one on a phone or tablet. I have also attached here the success criteria for you to copy or glue into your book- remember to check you have each feature. Send me a picture of you writing for feedback.


Mental Maths today - enjoy! I have attached the fluency sheet here.

TASK 3 STEM CHALLENGE (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)

Click here to find out what you mission is!! Should be fun!!! Send pictures!

Finally- check out our class blog on Purple Mash- Daisy is rocking the jokes!!!