Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Monday 30th March

Welcome to a new week of learning! Each day, I will be posting a new blog containing the new Reading, English and Maths challenges for that day. Then, don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for your other learning. I hope you all have a brilliant day!


Access the RWI sessions below. All the children would benefit from accessing the set 3 sounds lesson, however some might also benefit from the other sessions.

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading tabs in the ‘How to help your child’ section.


This week you are all going to become real ‘Creative Kiki Chameleons’ and write your own versions of the Flat Stanley chapter ‘The Museum Thieves’. Today I would like you to think carefully about what will happen in the five sections of your chapter - beginning, build up, problem/dilemma, conclusion, resolution.

Look carefully at the document attached below. I have used your ideas from last week’s learning to write what happens in the five sections of the chapter in the story. The next column in the table gives you prompts for your new version. The final column is for you to write your own ideas for your own chapter. Don’t worry if you are unable to print the planning sheet, just write out your new ideas in your English book. Be as creative as you can be, but don’t forget to use the original chapter as a guide. Remember, today you are not writing your chapter but are simply getting all of your ideas down. Have fun!


Please access:

Week 2 - ‘Lesson 1 - Step 6 - Recognise a third’ - by clicking here:

Watch the video and have a go at the activities. Remember, you don’t need to print the activities if you are unable to - work through them from the screen and record your answers in your maths books.


Today’s task - Addition to 100.


Work through section S ‘Money’ on Maths IXL.

Miss Woodend