Year 2 Home Learning Challenges for the week

Good afternoon,

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and are fully rested and ready for the week ahead!

As you know, learning from home is completely new to us all and us teachers are constantly evaluating the effectiveness of our home learning tasks set for the children. This week I thought I would try something a little different. Like I did last week, I will be posting Reading, English and Maths activities for the children to complete daily. However, any other activities that I would like the children to complete are shown on the image below. This means that you and your family can sit down and create a timetable of when you would like to complete the activities. You may choose to complete more than one in a day which will give you some free time on another day, or you may continue to complete one activity per day. It is entirely up you - this is your home learning! I have attached a PDF version of the challenges below as this will enable you to click on the links I have included.

Have a great week, and don’t forget to spend some special time as a family too!

This week’s learning challenges

Home learning challenges - wb 30.3.20.JPG