Year 6 Home Learning - Monday 30th March


I am so proud of you for how you went about last week and your learning…keep it up! We have to be ready to head of to high school in September with all of your learning in place so please keep tackling everything with determination and focus. You know where I am if you need me. I have loved receiving emails from you and seeing comments on the blog. It is great to see children being so careful with their work. I know it isn’t easy working at home. The classroom offers structure, routine and support from your learning partners and teachers. It is easier when you can see everyone around you working really hard it motivates us. Just remember to try to be as independent as you can and please keep in touch!

Some of you may have an email from me in your Purple Mash account, just checking on the Romeo and Juliet writing and to see how you are. I am in the process of marking everybody’s so I want you all to have feedback. I have tried to do the feedback spoken so you can listen to my thoughts and then edit your writing accordingly. Remember that this piece was all about blending action, description and dialogue - I should see a lot of evidence of all three aspects. I have included a snip of Megan’s writing below to inspire you.

Megan's writing.PNG

Why not keep a diary using Purple Mash of your learning each day whilst you are at home. A diary is found in 2publish plus. You can add in images and your reflections each day. In these funny times, it might be nice to look back on in years to come.

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. Just one more week to go before our Easter holidays.

I am introducing a new website this week for maths. Have a watch and a listen (to me) on the video below so that you know what is expected and where to find everything.

Maths - White Rose Home Learning Ratio lesson 1

Click on the button below to access the website. Please complete Week 1 Lesson 1 - Ratio

Sumdog - there are some % questions for you to have a go at on there. I have only set a target of 20. Ratio is the focus for this week.

English - Can you write a poem about the Montagues or the Capulet using the author’s phrases and techniques?

Have a look at my poem for inspiration, what can you create? You can illustrate it, write in in your book or type it up…the choice is yours.

Reading - We now have access on Purple Mash to some reading and comprehension tasks. Each day I am going to set you a chapter of a book to read and then set you an online quiz to do as well. This week’s book is The Secret Agent Grandpa.Please read Chapter 1 and complete the online questions in Purple Mash. These comprehension questions I would like you to complete in your book in full answers. Think what the question is asking you? How many marks would it be worth? There are 5 questions to answer.

Geography - in 1993, something terrible happened as a result of erosion. Read my lesson and see what facts you can find about the Holbeck Hall Hotel.