Year 5 Tuesday March 31st Learning for Home Lessons

Good morning children!!!

Task 1 PE Challenge.

All the eagle-eyed children will have spotted that Mrs Gregan set us a new weekly PE challenge . Make time to complete- visit the News Around the School button on our blog page! STAY ACTIVE!!!

Task 2 Maths Click here for little sheets to stick in for this lesson

During today’s lesson below- you will see that I reach the end of my Long Division slides- it gets really tricky. I know that children are working through the lessons at slightly different speeds. Some children need an extra couple of days to catch up. Because of this, I am going to move the learning onto sum dog after this lesson- here I have set up table/division challenges for you to master. After the holiday we will return to my filmed lessons as we move onto fractions and decimals. IT IS REALLY IMPORTANT THAT YOU COMPLETE THE FILMED LESSONS TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY. If you go into to the “How to help at home” button you will notice that I have created a maths button and an English button. I have placed all the long division films in here -in order- so you can easily access them. Some children need more time and not all parents are able to help when help is required. Those children who have completed the films please complete the challenges I will set daily for the rest of the week. Those children and parents who need more time please complete the filmed lessons- in sequence they are there for you- I hope this gives you more flexibility. Mrs Hx (here to help).

Task 3 - English creating a ToolBox for a story build up!

I challenge you today to complete some oral story telling- have fun!

Task 4 - Science

Back to day and night and the seasons. Today I have set you some questions to answer in you book (writing). You may want to watch the film again or this film which focuses on day and night. I have then attached a PowerPoint with the time zones around the world. You will notice that when we are facing the sun and experiencing day, the other side of the earth is facing away and experiencing night. Watch the PowerPoint then complete the day and night challenge using your new timezone map. At the end of the challenges I have asked you to search live webcams from “EarthCam” now usually we see people in Times square in New York and Australia in darkness and just the cars passing by- this year you may not see people but you will see that it is night time elsewhere!

Have fun- Wonderful Wednesday tomorrow!!!