Year 6 Home Learning - Tuesday 31st March

Happy learning today everybody!

Maths - White Rose Home Learning Ratio lesson 2

Click on the button below to access the website. Please complete Week 1 Lesson 2 - Ratio and fractions

Fluency - today is fluency instead of Sumdog. Have a go at the fluency questions that I have set for you.

Reading - Secret Agent Grandpa Chapter 2. Today there is some comprehension questions, GPS questions, online quiz and an extended piece of writing linked to the Wi-Braces. This has been set as a ‘to do’ on Purple Mash. Please hand it in once you have completed it.

RE - As we look ahead to Easter and Holy Week, we are going to start thinking about Jesus’s journey and reflect on His feelings and thoughts, knowing what was to come.

I have set you a diary ‘to do’ for you to complete about Jesus’s journey into Jerusalem. Watch the following you tube clip which gives you various films of Jesus arriving in Jerusalem. Make a note of what is happening around him, how are the crowd reacting and how is He feeling? Put this into a diary entry on Purple Mash.