Home Learning - Friday 3rd April 2020

It is the end of another week of home learning and you are still challenging yourselves, just like you did in class. Keep it up! Today we break for an Easter break. There will be a blog posted on Sunday with morning with Holy Week activities for you to complete if you choose.

Maths - White Rose Home Learning - Ration Week 1 Lesson 5

Using Scale Factors

Practical Maths - At some point over Easter, I would like you to make a pizza with the toppings having the ratio of 1:2:3. It may be 1 part tomato to 2 parts cheese to 3 parts ham…you choose! Send me a photo of your creation. Can you add any other ratios in?

Art - please see Mr Curtis’ blog below.


Reading - Please read the final 3 chapters of Secret Agent Grandpa and complete the online questions.

Have you completed all tasks set so far? Daily learning will not start again until Tuesday 14th April, this gives you plenty of time.

Please make sure that you have completed the piece of writing on Holbeck House Hotel to the best of your ability as a Year 6 writer. I look forward to seeing your writing sent to me on Purple Mash.