Reception home learning for Tuesday 31st March

1. PE with Joe Wicks—Start your day with a fun workout ( )

2. Phonics: Please continue to practise one of those tricky sounds that you identified last week.

Don’t forget to practise this weeks “To do” on Purple mash. The children need to read the word and choose either ‘m’ or ‘n’ to complete the word, by dragging the letter into place. Today is the last day for this challenge to be completed.

(Remember: Purple mash logins are on Reception’s home page under the tab, “Websites to use whilst learning at home”)

3. PE: We were so fortunate with the weather last week, I loved seeing all of the photos with the children learning outside having lots of fun! Football was a great hit so I would like you to continue to practise this today (weather permitting).

4. Sum Dog: Today is the last day to complete this weeks first challenge. If you’ve already had a go don’t forget that you can keep practising this skill, seeing if you can better your score.

5. 30 Day Lego challenge: A couple of our friends have started on the Lego challenge already, let’s all take part!


*** Please save some toilet roll tubes, cereal boxes, bottle lids etc. These will be needed for Friday’s learning challenge. I thought that it would be fun to use our creativity to create a new friend/monster/robot. And then to send me a picture of your creation that I can upload onto the end of week blog.***

Miss Bassett.