Year 5 Wonderful Wednesday 1st April

Good morning class! Well I have had a lovely time looking at your pictures and films. I have put together some of your space lander work- this made me smile!!!!

TASK 1 - wake up and shake up!!!

Don’t forget to exercise everyday. Mrs Gregan has set the weekly PE challenges. Why not take a picture and send it to Mrs Gregan: I know she would love to hear from you.

Task 2 Maths

Have you completed all the long division lessons? Please continue with these lessons until you reach the end. I have put these lessons in sequence in the “How to help at home” section of of our class blog just click on the Maths button I have created at the top. For those who have finished I have set up a class SUMDOG competition. I have selected table and division facts as the focus there will be a leader board for the top ten which I am expecting to change!!! This is an opportunity to nail those table facts!!

Capture april 1 2.PNG


This week Mrs Curtis has challenged us to either bake or create a piece of artwork of our favourite food. Now Tess, Alice and Evelin have all baked so far. I can’t believe I haven’t had a slice- that is one of the perks of being a teacher!!!!! Please send me photos of your mouth watering creations!!! For some fun cartoon art why not take a lesson from a professional Rob Biddulph press here for a youtube link or visit his facebook page with a parent.

TASK 4 Reading

Time to snuggle with some quiet music and a reastful place. Just to let you know Rhys reached his target!!!! Big Cheer! we’ll just have to imagine Isabelle moving the astronaut!! Tell me whe you reach your and I’ll set a new one! Don’t forget the Quizzes, the electronic library and Amazon audible is free- see out “How to help” button.

TASK 5 Purple Mash

Please visit our class blog on Purple Mash and write Joke - My favourite Joke so far is from Hannah “What did the chip say to itself in the desert? ….. “I’m fried!!!