Year 4 Wednesday 1st April

Happy April Fool’s Day!

English - Writing your Dragon Slayer Story

Today it is time to write the dilemma. What does the Dragon Slayer DO to show he is in a dilemma? Why is he in a dilemma? Write this paragraph including some speech-dialogue and show the reader how he feels. You can still use extended noun phrases to describe the little baby dragon. Aaaah!


Today we re going to learn another new skill - multiplying a two digit number by a one digit number using THE EXTENDED METHOD. It is really important that you do this just as I teach you, rather than skipping to the next step.

New Sum Dog challenge set today Practising x and divide.

there is a Purple mash time 2 do - if you have time!

Daily Reading

I hope you have a really good book you are enjoying like me! Don’t forget to quiz!

Weekly tasks

Remember to go back and choose from these fun learning activities. Feel free to send pictures to my email about what you are up to!