Good Morning everyone, and welcome to another day of learning from home.
Put a smile on your face, a sparkle in your eyes and let’s get working! Have fun!
Did you know that April 1st is known as April Fools’ Day? Can you find out anything about what it is about? You could even have a bit of fun with this. (Kind fun of course - keep everyone happy!!!) Let us know what you get up to.
This morning we would like you to:
Can you find a factual book on the free ebooks today? Choose an insect book or a plant book, it could help you with your Science today. Have a read and then take a quiz. Think carefully when quizzing - try to make sure you answer the questions carefully and try to get 100%. You can do it!
Try out the challenges. Have you played all of the different games yet or do you have a favourite? Why not try playing a different one - it might even become your new favourite!!!
Roll a dice three times and make a 3 digit number. Write it down. Roll just one dice again and either add it to the first number or subtract it. Make sure that you line up the columns carefully. Check whether you have to exchange and make sure that you do this carefully. (Make sure that you take the bottom number from the top number when subtracting - BE CAREFUL!!!)
(If you don’t have a dice check how to generate numbers on line from Monday’s home learning blog)
Part 1 - Today I would like you to check and correct any spelling mistakes in your Italy work from yesterday so that your notes are all ready to use for later in the week.
Part 2 - Please spend some time practising your spellings for this week too
famous guide promise favourite possible continue
What about getting a pot of water and a paintbrush and writing them on the garden flags or writing them in chalk?
This week’s Science is all about careful observation. You don’t need to write anything down unless you want to. Just make sure that you are observing carefully and talking about what you have seen. Reading (from books or finding out on the internet) is also an important aid in this week’s Science lesson.
Look out for signs of spring when you are outside - what do you notice? Can you see the changes that are taking place? Talk to your grown up about the changes that you can see. Keep looking every day to see if you can see anything different happening. (Keep a log of these if you want)
Make sure that you are using your senses to help you. What can you smell, hear and feel too? (Don’t go around tasting unless your grown up says it is okay).
Have you noticed anything about the days just recently? Look what time the sun comes up and goes down on the weather app. Check this out every day for a few days - what do you notice?
With all the sunshine we have had lately there are lots of lovely flowers beginning to grow. Look out for them in the garden or when you are out on a walk. How many can you identify and name? Have you read any amazing facts about these in the books you have read this week? If not why not look up some of these on the internet and see what you can find out about them.
With so many flowers around, there are many more insects. I’ve seen bumble bees, butterflies, beetles, woodlice, ants and midges in my garden. Which insects can you spot? Again can you find out any amazing facts about them?
You could even draw a picture of any flowers or insects you see if you want.
Some of you have been planting in the garden. Maybe you could plant some seeds and watch them grow over the coming weeks. You could take photos as things begin to grow.
Have fun!