It has been another busy week this week in Reception. We used new instruments with Mrs Mallinson, made something very special with Mrs Curtis and have been busy helping Goldilocks. We found a lovely letter on Wednesday from Goldilocks who was so apologetic about eating Mrs Malley’s porridge. She wanted to put her mistake right and bought Reception some porridge to say sorry. This was a real relief for everybody in class, lots of us had been worried that Goldilocks was unkind and may come back to do something else mischievous. Goldilocks also left us her special story which we are now learning. At the end of the week we created a story map so that we can retell the story using the pictures to help us.
Brave Timmy Turtle Charlotte for… becoming so brave and confident, particularly with your writing! Miss Neves and I were blown away with your writing in RE this week. You wrote a whole sentence with beautiful handwriting completely independently. You should feel so proud Charlotte, you have worked so hard!
Co-operative Roger Robin Tilly N for… being such a caring member of our class! You think about those around you with such empathy and kindness. During Read Write Inc you make such a super learning partner, praising and supporting their reading and effort. Thank you Tilly for being such a kind and loving friend towards others in our class, it is so wonderful to see!
Lent: Well done to all of the children for trying so hard to raise money for Cafod this week at home. It has been wonderful to hear from the children how they have been busy keeping their bedrooms tidy. A huge thank you to you all for supporting this at home. I am sure that by the end of lent we will have raised a lot of money for Cafod.
This week our lent almsgiving is to help after tea by washing the plates. You could earn 20p per plate you wash, or 50p each day that you help.
Phonics: This week we have been introduced to the new sound: ‘or-shut the door’.
Please continue to enjoy stories at home, your child’s reading book and hunting for tricky words and new sounds out and about.
Maths: We have focused on the numbers 6-8. Most of us are able to recognise these numbers, but this is definitely something to keep practising. The children have been busy counting out amounts and spotting things that make them think about these numbers. We looked at the colours in the rainbow and some of the children noticed that there are 7 colours in the rainbow! We decided that we would learn the rainbow song to remind us.
PE: We have focused continued to practise our, bouncing and catching skills. We have also been practising our over arm throwing by playing a game called splat the rat. I wonder if your child could teach you how to play this game at home? Do they remember their aiming arm?
World Book Day: If you have not managed to get to our book fair just yet do not worry, it will still be here on Monday afterschool at 3:35.
We hope that you have a wonderful weekend, Miss Bassett, Miss Neves and Mrs Malley