"There is so much to be grateful for, just open your eyes!'

The children are well and truly back into the swing of learning now and are continually amazing us all with their focus, determination and enthusiasm. Lessons have been filled with real deep thinking and reasoning, with many great questions being asked in all areas of learning.

The children have had to think really hard in maths this week as we have moved onto the tricky skill of fractions. We have looked at both quarters and halves, what they look like in both shape and number and how they can be written. We all can’t wait to build on this learning next week.

English has also been exciting as we have continued looking at our chapter book ‘Flat Stanley’. The children can’t quite believe how only 2 chapters of the book can create so much learning. We’ve collected verbs and other new vocabulary, and have looked closely at all of the characters in the story. This morning we also managed to squeeze in a bit of instruction writing. Keep working hard Year 2, you will certainly reap the rewards!

We were transported to Russia in our dance session this week, where the children had a go at ‘Cossack dancing’. It was wonderful to see the children having fun whilst being creative with the different moves from the style of dance. They are very much looking forward to building on their dances next week.

Let’s Celebrate

Jay, you have been a real ‘Have a Go, Tommy Turtle’ this week.  You have shown so much enthusiasm in every lesson and have been putting your hand up to have a go, even when you haven’t been quite sure.  Your smile and pride has been such a joy to witness, and hearing that your enthusiasm is spreading to home too is the most wonderful news! 

WOW Iris, you have really blown us all away this week.  Your enthusiasm has been out of this world and you have made so much progress because of this.  You have been unstoppable, sharing your ideas in every lesson and working so cooperatively with others.  Keep it up Iris, you have been such a role model.   


Lenten Mass - It was lovely to see so many families at mass this morning. Please don’t forget that mass is taking place for the next 3 Friday mornings, starting at 8am in the hall.

Parents’ evening - Please don’t forget about Parents’ evening on Wednesday 11th March. I am very much looking forward to seeing you all to discuss your child’s progress.

This week’s almsgiving challenge: Can you help to fold and put away the washing? 30p

Have a wonderful weekend with your families,

Miss Woodend and Mrs Connolly