As the week has drawn to an end, we have been blessed with blue skies and sunshine. This has enabled us to open up the school field for the children, allowing more room for play, quiet reflection in the chapel area, sporting activities and just to have some good old fashioned fun playing on the grass! The good weather has certainly lifted the childrens’ spirits as laughter has echoed throughout the school grounds.
Purple Mash continues with the Year 6 Digital Leaders, Library club, with the Librarians and a new performing arts club for Year 4. With so much going on, there is never a dull moment!
Star Table of the Week: Keystage 1; Plessington. Keystage 2; Harcourt. Well done to both houses for being such wonderful role models, inside and out.
Role Models of the Week: Keystage 1; Elsie Y1 and Henry Reception. Keystage 2; Pedro Y6 and Olivia Y3. Thank you children and well done. You always show such kindness and love towards all of those around you.
Jaquis’ Marvelous Manners: It was lovely to have Jaqui back this week, cooking our favourite meals. Although I do have to say, Sharon and the team did a fabulous job in serving upi tasty lunches in her absence, thank you ladies. Marvelous manners for this week go to: Keystage 1, Joshua Reception and Erin Y1. For keystage 2, Emmanuel and Kaya Y4. Well done and thank you to you all for such lovely manners, I know that all the lunch time team really appreciates it.
Finally, let’s hope this lovely weather continues into the weekend, so that we can all have time for family, fun and fresh air!
Have a lovely weekend
God Bless
The Lunchtime Team