“If I be waspish, best beware my sting.” Kate

Sometimes children have experiences that they will never forget. Performing the opening scenes for the Taming of the Shrew on Thursday will be one of them. It was a joy to work with such enthusiastic children. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I was not able to take many pictures but here are the few I did manage to get!!

We did continue with our learning in class too! We explored how electricity is generated and we now understand why some methods of generation are healthier for the planet than others. In maths we have been multiplying and multiplying again!. In English we have been reading factual text all about the Universe kicking off our work on SPACE! We started French again (Francesca was our star) and we had science in music too this week!

The award this week went to the whole class for their wonderful teamwork and passion for Shakespeare!

Reminders for next week!

We are off again on Monday- we are going to UCLAN on the train so we have to get to St. Annes station for 9:15am. We will need to set off no later than 8:45am. This means that that children will need to arrive early again- 8:30am ! I’m so sorry about that I promise not to book anything else early morning!!!!! The classroom will be open from 8:30am. We will be back before 3:30pm.

Wednesday - Parents meetings from 2pm. I am looking forward to seeing you all and discussing your child’s progress.

Mass for Lent next Friday at 8:00am followed by tea and toast. Year 5 are old enough to be dropped off at reception and come to Mass independently- if you are unable to come.

Thank you once again for all your support.