Year 5 Wednesday 15th April Learning from Home

Now we usually have Wonderful Wednesday- but I’ve moved that to Fabulous Friday so that we can complete three focused days before turning to our art and design lessons. I’m sure you will enjoy Fabulous Friday this week and then next week we can return to Wonderful Wednesday- mid week!

First things first- Maths Fluency

Fluency Wed 15th.PNG

Task 2 Maths Fractions

Today we are moving onto improper fractions- this is fun!!! Remember to listen carefully- stop the film if you need to to revisit and recall.

Task 3 - Chapter 2 “Water Water Everywhere!”

Chapter 3 “The Ship’s Log”

Michael describes his great adventure! Get lost in his world has he sails to the most amazing places. You are reading independently today. I have attached to chapter 2 and chapter 3- and the questions/tasks below.

When opening the Chapters to read - the PDF may open vertically instead of horizontally- looking the in the right hand corner of Adobe there is a little rotate tool I have taken a picture of it here ————>

Task 4 - ART

Now visit the Art page - Mrs Curtis has set us a very relaxing/mathematical collage challenge. I’ve been sewing lots of squares! Send pictures!!

Have a lovely day!!!