Year 4 home learning for Friday 17th April


Please complete your explanation/information text set yesterday, trying your very best - on Purple Mash.


Please make sure you have written some questions about soil and shared them with us on the blog. Tune in to the LIVE session at 10.30 on Monday morning here: (if you cannot make it at this time, you can watch later on) You will need a sample of soil from your garden or local area handy.

if you have a printer, you may wish to prepare, by printing this sheet below ready for your fieldwork on Monday:


Please read Chapter 6 of ‘The Sleeping Volcano’ on purple mash and complete the 2do Book review.


Complete the following challenges linked to division with remainders as mentioned in yesterday’s lesson. Answers will be on at 5.00pm. there is also a quick division game to play

Geography extra!

If you have finished all these activities, I would love you to draw a labelled diagram of a volcano - use the vocabulary from earlier in the week to label it. You could do this on 2animate Purple Mash