Year 6 Home Learning - Monday 20th April 2020

Good morning Year 6 - I hope you are all ok and that you are enjoying the time with your families.

Before we get onto today’s lessons, I wanted to give you a heads up about what I will be asking you to do over the next few weeks and how our learning will pan out. I am determined that we will cover as much curriculum as possible so that you are ready for high school and so far…so good! I am super happy with the what we are covering and the work that you are doing at home. Especially the maths and english. The White Rose lessons are great. They cover new concepts and are using resources that we are familiar with. It also gives you immediate feedback on the work that you are completing. Keep it up! I will be inter spacing Sumdog and fluency in with it to keep us ticking over. Thank you for the assessment scores that you have sent me. It continues to help me assess you and build on what I already know about you all so I can give you a final assessment on your reports and for high school. Keep talking to me and asking if you need any further help or you are not sure about something. I would like you to send me more photos of your maths if possible! I love seeing what you are up to and how you are calculating things.

With regards to english and writing, it is really important that we continue to push ourselves and provide evidence of you standard of writing. I have lots of up to date writing evidence for you all and the work that you have submitted so far via Purple Mash has added to your portfolio. I want to continue this so that, again, I have current assessment data for your reports and for your high school. So many of you were writing with elements of GD, it is important that you all strive towards this. Over the next few weeks, we will continue to work on Romeo and Juliet and I will be providing writing opportunities for you to showcase what you can do. There will be one each week that then needs submitting to me to look at, assess and mark. They are all Outcome 3s so you are using prior knowledge that you already have. Following Romeo and Juliet, we will be moving onto Wonder.

Keep challenging yourself. It will be very tempting, especially when the weather is nice, to complete things quickly. I really urge you to make sure the quality is there and that you are also listening to your new teachers at home. Just take the extra second. I know you would rather have me breathing down your neck, but enjoy the time. Work hard, work smart, prioritise and know what you have to do and share your work with me. You are doing so well…I am mega proud of you! I miss you all so much so seeing how well you are doing in your work and seeing photos of you are really making me smile!

Keep an eye on Purple Mash this week. I will be marking your writing and sending you feedback throughout the week.

Right…enough of today’s message…onto learning!


Please complete the learning by watching the video and completing the work that has been set. Mark your own work and correct anything that needs correcting.

Sumdog - There are some Ratio questions for you to continue to practise that has been set on there.


This is a two day lesson…plan your time wisely.

Today, we are jumping ahead in the plot of Romeo and Juliet. The star-crossed loves have met, declared their love on the balcony and committed to marriage. We know that indeed, the two do get married under the guidance of Friar Lawrence and Juliet’s nurse. Friar Lawrence proves to be the pivotal character in coming scenes. Today, you are going to look at the fight scene involving Romeo and Tybalt. Mercutio is killed and in revenge, Romeo kills Tybalt.


This is a two day lesson so you can spend a lesson researching and a lesson presenting if you would like. Today, you are going to be travel agents and plan a holiday for a fictional person or family somewhere in the world. Coastal resorts provide a lot of money and income for places so it is important that people do go on holiday. The families that you are given have different requests, it is your job to find them a budget holiday and a luxury holiday option. Just where will you send them? Watch my little video below for some further guidance.

We are coming to the end of our coastline unit, just one more lesson to go!

Have a lovely day.

Don’t forget to join the school community in prayer at 7pm - 3 Hail Marys.