'Blessed are the curious; for they shall have adventures.'

We are starting today, by all learning together. When I mentioned that it would be great to learn Spanish, I did not imagine the quality of teaching that we would get. Just what can you learn today? Thank you so much for taking the time to teach us something new.

I have been absolutely blown away by the enthusiasm and the quality of work from the children this week. I find it so powerful that we are all learning the same thing, from different locations. That shows the power of the community that we have. When I set the geography task to plan a holiday to a coastal resort, I did not realise how absorbed the children would be in this task and how they would apply their geographical knowledge. Thank you for being so enthusiastic children and as a family. I think there may be one or two holidays being planned after all of this is over. Please enjoy the work that your children have produced this week. There is a lot of photos to get through! Which holiday would you go on?

In addition to all of the wonderful maths, science, geography and RE work, the children have also been writing diary entries in role as either Romeo or Juliet. Considering we are not in class, and the children are not having direct teaching as such (just a little recorded lesson video by myself) - the quality of the writing my class is producing is phenomenal. Yipee! I wish pride had some kind of symbol because my house would be glowing right now. I have chosen a small selection of the writing received this week. This writing is from Nathan J, Lucinda, Megan, Anwar and Baxter.

Transition to high school

I have had great pleasure this week in sharing the work that the children are continuing to do at home with their new high schools. It is really important that their new schools see just how hard the children are working at home and how independent they will be when they arrive in September. I know the children and what they are capable of producing, it is lovely to have conversations about the children and for their new teachers to see the quality that they can produce. I am a proud teacher!

I have set the children a little task today with regards to high school. It is important that the children email me directly so to keep working on their independence ready for September. Please encourage them to use Purple Mash to do this. When the children usually let me know who they want to share a room with at Water Parks, I then use their friendship groups to forward to their high school for form groups. Unfortunately, we now know that Water Parks is not happening this year, however, I still need the information from them so that I can group them for high school. I have asked them all to send me 5 of their classmates who are in their friendship groups. They may not be with all of this group but I will ensure that they are with some of their friendship group at high school.

I will keep dropping in transition tasks over the next few weeks and keep you updated with where we are up to and the conversations that I am having with the respective schools.

If there is anything particular you would like me to mention or discuss with the high school, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

Additional Challenges and Lessons

This week, I asked the children if their was any online lessons that they could deliver whilst we were at home. I gave them the option to learn Spanish using the virtual platform that the government have put together. Of course some of the children jumped at the chance. We then had our very own Spanish lesson delivered by our own Spanish speaking classmate. I hope you learnt something from the Spanish video at the start of the blog.

Pedro has asked Mati to deliver us a Polish lesson and I know some of the other children have been thinking about what lessons they can deliver. Wouldn’t it be great if every child delivered a lesson in something.

Get thinking!


We will be finishing Romeo and Juliet over the next week, maybe slightly longer and then we will be going onto Wonder. The children will need the text for this unit of work. I have got a PDF version of the book which I will be posting onto the website. The children can then access this on their devices or computers. Alternatively, the book is currently £4 on Amazon or can be ordered via Storytellers Inc in St Annes if you would like to order one. I like having the book in front in my hands. I am aiming to start the first week in May on this unit of work.

I am so thankful for you all and for how you are operating at home. I know it isn’t easy and there will be days when more is done than others - that is absolutely fine. I have a 2 year old at home when I am trying to work and I know how challenging it can be. Alfie has now set up a home office next to me so that he can work like mummy.

Please keep in touch with me, even just to say hello and let me know what you are up to.

Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine - God is certainly looking after to us on that front. I am going to leave with you with some more Spanish that has been learnt this week. Well done everyone.

God bless and speak to you soon

Mrs G x