Year 5 Friday April 24th Learning from home

Good Morning everyone!!

Well done for making to the end of another week of independent learning!! Keep going you are doing sooooo well!!

TASK 1 Maths

I have set you three challenges on Purple Mash today and one in IXL - S4. Go for it!!!


Because it is Friday and we usually listen to one another in council. I thought we could explore this lesson from the BBC bitsize page. If you click on the image it will take you to the Year 5 page with all the Year 5 lessons for the week. I am selected those that fit into our curriculum as they pop up! This is a set of videos talking about teamwork and your particular strengths. Can you apply this learning to your family “team”?

Task 3 Spellings

Please visit Sumdog there you will find this weeks Spelling test. I had only 3 children miss last weeks spelling test. Well done to everyone else!!!

I have also attached below this weeks spelling focus, the sheets and the little video!

Have a lovely weekend!

I know many of you are gutted that I didn’t post chapter 8 today! I’m saving it for Monday and giving some children time to catch up! Please read over the weekend. What books have you got on the go? Oliver is reading “Slime!!!”

God Bless - you’re doing brilliantly keep it up!!