Hello from Nursery

Just a few words to say we are missing you loads! Nursery is very lonely without you.

Barbara and Clare have been very busy getting everything ‘just right’ for when you come back to nursery. Let’s hope it won’y be too long.

In the meanwhile keep checking the website for more links for learning at home. You may also like to check out what Miss Bassett is posting on the Reception blog…if you are up for a challenge?

Here are this weeks sites to explore:

Click here for updated Hungry Little Minds

Click here for a virtual tour of Chester Zoo

Click here for Oak National Academy. Follow the links that take to Reception learning. You will find a whole weeks learning and activities here for you to follow. Enjoy!

One of our friends has sent a lovely video of building and an assault course in the garden. Fabulous! Mrs. Gregan was very impressed that he managed to complete the ‘Wacky Races’ PE challenge. If you want to get involved check out the PE button on the home page. Mrs. Gregan posts new activities each week…get involved.

I’ve also posted below this weeks learning from home photos. I’m so impressed to see how hard you are all working. Keep the photos coming. If you have not yet returned your consent form don’t worry, just send me an email.

I look forward to hearing from you next week. Have a lovely weekend and stay safe.
