Happy Monday everyone!
I hope everyone has enjoyed the sunshine and that you are taking good care of each other. A big well done to Abi, Jess and James who have met their reading targets, great work children! There are some other children on percentages of 80s and 90s, so you could soon be there too - let us know when you have reached your target and we can celebrate and set you some new ones. Keep up that great reading. Where are you going to sit to read today? Does anyone have any recommendations of books to share with the rest of the class? Email us with your ideas and we’ll share with them your friends.
This week we are going to move on to the 4 times table, please click below to access today’s work.
This week’s English follows on from last week so I hope that you enjoyed the story of the House Haunting!! (If you didn’t get chance to read it all don’t worry just look on last week’s learning pages and have a read. I love doing this story - it’s so exciting and a great one to use to write our own stories from.)
Yes, you’ve guessed it we are going to be following the pattern of the story we have read and making up our own stories chapter by chapter over the week. So here goes!!!
Task 1 Last Monday we wrote an opening (Chapter 1) for the story of the House Haunting. Re -read the chapter (click on the button above) and then re-read your chapter. You are going to purple pen (or pick a different colour if you don’t have a purple one) your work and improve on it. Use the prompts that I have given you to help. Check each one separately and purple pen your corrections.
Does your chapter start with some speech? Have you used “ “ to show the speech? Have you said who is speaking - use a word that is better than “said”. Have you added a bit of description in with the speech sentence to show how it was said/what they were doing as they were speaking?
Does your chapter have great description? How have you described things? Make sure that you really think carefully about how to describe the house. Does it sound scary? Does it sound like it is abandoned and overgrown?
Have you used powerful verbs? Go through your writing carefully and check - can you change any of the verbs into more powerful ones?
Have you checked your spellings? Look carefully and make sure that you have thought about every word. Correct any spelling mistakes that you have made.
Have you checked for punctuation? Read every sentence carefully. Have you included all of the punctuation that is needed? CL FS ? “ “ , ! etc. Make sure that you have used CL for names. Check and correct.
Once you have checked your work, read it again. Does it sound any better now? (I’m sure it does!!) Practise reading it through and then read it to someone else. What do they think about it?
Task 2 Have you got any unanswered questions? Can you answer them having read all of the story? Go back to your questions and answer them if you can.
Task 3 Spellings for this week. Practise your spellings for this week. Have a look at the fun ways we talked about to learn your spellings and see if you can do one of these. Then have a go at writing your spellings in a sentence. Can you write any sentences using the present perfect tense?
This week’s spellings are: interest learn answer increase knowledge separate
Have a go at one of the spelling challenges on Sumdog - they have the spellings from the last few weeks and also from earlier in the year on them. This week’s spellings appear in Spelling Challenge 6.
We are going to continue with our European Neighbours topic, click below to access today’s learning. The answers to the quiz style questions are on the next page of the document so be careful not to scroll down too far and reveal the answers too soon.