Happy Thursday! We are heading towards the end of another week of wonderful home learning, we have loved your emails, videos and photos. Thank you for brightening our days. Today is your art day, so head over to Mrs Curtis’ art page at some point throughout the day to see what challenge she has set you to complete.
How is your reading going? I hope you are managing to find a peaceful spot to relax with a book, it is lovely to take your mind away to another place. My latest book is set in the countryside and there are lovely descriptions of cottages, barns and one of the main characters is always baking so I usually end up hungry after reading it! I wonder if you could meet your reading target by the end of this week, how many pages have you got left to read before you can quiz? Well done to Amber, India and Olivia for reaching their 100% targets. Great work girls.
Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths.
Are you ready for today’s challenges? Give it your best shot!
Today we are going to write our own Chapter 4, so re-read Chapter 4 from the story and then re-read your own chapter 3 so that you know where you left off.
You are going to use the chapter above to help you to write, but again you are going to make it your own. Look carefully at how the author has used description and powerful verbs. Look at how they have added adverbs and speech. Using the same sort of plan as the author in the story, you are going to write your own Chapter 4.
Think carefully about how you are going to write this part of the story. How can you show that the boys are relieved to have been rescued? How is mum feeling? What do you notice about the policeman? (He is in charge - how does the author show this?)
Think carefully about what they say to each other. How do they say it? Remember to add an action to explain in more detail.
Think about the best words to choose for the best impact. Remember to think carefully about the verbs that you use - select really powerful ones to add to the impact of your story.
Again, think carefully about the adjectives and verbs that you choose. Make sure that they are powerful ones to create a really clear picture for the reader.
When you write the last part of this chapter (leaving the house) think about how you can leave it on a cliff hanger for the reader. They need to be wondering what is going to happen next. (Are the children in trouble? How much trouble?)
Make sure that your handwriting is really neat and clear and is joined up please. Think carefully about your spelling and remember to use punctuation.
When you have finished your chapter 4, read it through carefully to make sure that it makes sense.
Happy writing!!