Good morning children. I can’t believe it’s nearly the weekend again, I hope that you have enjoyed your learning this week.
There has been some amazing reading going on this week, with lots of people reaching their targets, some twice and lots more people getting sooooo close. Keep reading and don’t forget to let us know when you have reached your target so that we can celebrate. Well done everyone, keep up the good work. Congratulations to Mason who has reached his target.
Here are the answers from yesterday’s maths. How did you get on?
Look here for today’s maths challenges.
Today we are going to write the final chapter in our story. So re-read Chapter 5 below.
Just like we have done before, you are going to use the chapter above to help you to write your own chapter, but again you are going to make it your own. Look carefully at how the author has used description and powerful verbs. Look at how they have added adverbs and speech. Using the same sort of plan as the author in the story you are going to write your own Chapter 5.
Think carefully about how you are going to write this final part of the story. Have the children really learned their lesson? (I don’t think so - Ben just asks for a bacon sandwich and thinks that everything will be okay).
Think carefully about what they say to each other. How do they say it? Remember to add an action to explain in more detail.
Look at how the author has referred to the warning that was given at the beginning of the story. How will you do this?
Think about the best words to choose for the best impact. Remember to think carefully about the verbs that you use - select really powerful ones to add to the impact of your story and create a clear picture for the reader.
Make sure that your handwriting is really neat and clear and is joined up please. Think carefully about your spelling and remember to use punctuation.
When you have finished your chapter 5, read it through carefully to make sure that it makes sense.
Happy writing!!
It’s Friday again, so it’s time for some RE.
Read the story of Doubting Thomas.
How do you think Thomas felt? Can you understand why Thomas felt like that? Have you ever been told something but because you haven’t seen it for yourself you are not sure whether to believe it or not?
Task 1 Write a list of questions you would like to ask Thomas about what happened and how he came to believe in Jesus’ resurrection.
Task 2 Think about Jesus’ words ‘Blessed are those who have not seen me…’ What do you think He meant by these words? How do these words apply to us today? Write a short paragraph about what you think Jesus meant by this and how these words apply to us today.
Task 3 Thomas didn’t believe because he did not see Jesus. Where do you see Jesus? Draw a picture of where you see Jesus today. (I see Jesus in the many wonderful things that I see people doing to help other people. What sort of things do you see Jesus in?)