'Let your smile change the world but do not let the world change your smile.'

I don’t know about you, but this has felt like a long two weeks - saying that, you are always going above and beyond to make sure that the children’s learning is at the forefront of everything you do at home. I totally understand that under these circumstances it is tricky and the children are having to really become independent with their learning, a little sooner than we anticipated. All of this is great training for high school and for the education that they are going to receive. Thank you for your continued support at home, as always, I am trying to provide the children with the education that they deserve, they need and what celebrates all of the hard work that we have completed this year, before they head off to pastures new!

Right now, we would have celebrated our final Easter Assembly together with the children’s interpretation of the Resurrection. Next week is so important to have family time together, I know I will be and I need it, enjoy the celebration of Easter. On Sunday, I will be putting some optional Holy Week activities to have a go at on the website. Please use and enjoy.

I have put together a presentation of a selection of the wonderful work that the children have produced this week…please have a look, celebrate and enjoy. After half term we will be completing our unit on Romeo and Juliet before using the book, Wonder, as a stimulus to complete our learning with. I will be providing a link to this book for you to access. If you have one of your own to read, even better!

Transition to high school

I wanted to reassure you all about the transition process to high school. I am in the process of speaking to all high schools about the class and giving them information on the children. Although transition will be slightly different to what we are used to, all of the children will be spoken about in detail and the high schools will have all the knowledge that they need. In terms of assessments, I am still continually assessing the children on the work that they are submitting to me. That is why it is so important that the children send me the work that I am asking for. The specific pieces that I need to mark are there to allow the children to do as well as possible. Please keep in touch with me, if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.

I have no doubt that all of the children will go to high school and will fly! I am very confident of that.

I know how hard it is for the children not to be seeing each other, and I am sure that they will be using every piece of technology to make sure that they do. I am missing our class family but I am so very proud of every family and how they are tackling home learning.

For now, I am signing off for a week, enjoy your half term together. Daily learning will start again on Tuesday 14th April.

God bless

Mrs Gregan