'For never was a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo.'

This week’s learning from home lesson has been brought to us from Maryann. Watch the film below, Maryann has sent me some riddles on a presentation. Listen to me narrate them, can you solve the riddles? Thank you Maryann for taking the time to bring us something different and for making us think!

Romeo, O Romeo, where for art thou Romeo! I have loved this unit of work and hearing and seeing the children’s engagement in it. Shakespearean language is complex and often takes time to unpick. The children have all listened and responded to this wonderful tragedy (do you like my oxymoron), and as a result, they have created some fantastic work. This week, the children created a comic strip of their favourite scene. There is some fabulous work here. The children also created their own potions for a character in Romeo and Juliet, with a specific purpose. Next week we start Wonder and I for one am very excited. I will also be delivering the maths lessons for you using a video and PowerPoint using the White Rose Maths units. We will be looking at area, perimeter and volume.

We have also completed our geography unit on coastlines, looked at metamorphosis and the role of Peter in the church. Jesus wanted him to learn an important lesson and I am sure Peter did. Next week we will be starting a local history unit of work, starting to focus more on the human life cycle and then looking at Saul - he persecuted Jesus initially but then something happened and he became a follower in the end.

Enjoy looking through our learning photos for this week.

Thank you so much for how you are involving yourself at home in learning. We know it is not easy and we are praying daily that we will come back together as a community. It is so heart warming to see the work that the children are completing at home and to hear about the stories and memories that they are making during this time. Please continue to send me photo graphs of your children and their learning. There are some children who I have not seen yet, it would be lovely to see them after 6 weeks of home learning.


Thank you to all of the children for sending me their friendship groups for forms - it was really helpful and it means that I can start the paperwork aspect of transitions. I will be speaking to Miss Cochrane from St Bedes over the coming weeks with regards to each child. I know that some parents have been asking about devices and uniform from St Bedes. Having spoken to Miss Cochrane, the company that deals with the devices at St Bedes only have the technical support open at the moment so they are unable to get up to date prices. If anybody is worried about any costings that will be incurred when moving to St Bedes, please send me an email and I will be sure to put you in touch with the right person. She has said that if your child already has a device or a tablet, then please do not rush into the device scheme. You have plenty of time to organise this and as soon as I receive information, I will make sure that I pass it over.

I will leave you with another video for the Spanish that is being learnt. I think Pedro has inspired us all. I am excited to see what lesson we have next week. I have heard rumours of cookery, science and quizzes and even a piano performance!

Have a lovely weekend. Let’s hope that the sun continues to shine and the rain is long gone!

Mrs Gregan