This weeks learning from home photos

There seems to be more and more learning happening at home! This week we have a record number of photos to show. Well done everyone and keep up the good work.

I hope everyone received their newsletter and other attachments. Please let me know if you didn't. I trust everyone is managing to access Purple Mash, I can’t wait for you to share your learning. Just drop it into my tray.

This week I have some other websites for you to explore.

Click here for some early years ideas from Edge Hill University

Click here to find our how to garden without a garden

Click here for activities for creativity and critical thinking

Click here for a lovely collection of ideas

Click here for activities at one with nature

Don’t forget to click on the eBooks button at the bottom of the nursery web-page. There are lots to choose from.

I have also heard from some of our families about a good app called ‘Teach my Little Monster to Read’. It may be worth a look but alas it does incur a small subscription fee. Click here to find out more.

Click the button below for a story about how to explain Covid-19 to small children

Finally, if you are still struggling for ideas Click here

Keep safe and I will be in touch soon.


Now for the photos!