Home Learning - Monday 8th May SATs Week!

Good morning Year 6. Welcome to your alternative SATs week. Although you won’t be taking your formal papers like we planned, we will still be making the most of the week. Now SATs stands for SHARE A TALENT. I am looking for you all to get involved this week and to put a smile onto everyone’s face. We have some wonderfully talented children in our class…make it your mission this week to send me a video or a photo of you and your talent. It would be fantastic and it would make my week if as many of you got involved as possible. A talent really can be anything! What would you have done for our talent show at Water Parks? Could you do that for our Share A Talent week?

Listen to my poem that I have shared with you. I really hope it puts things into perspective for this week. There had to be some acknowledgment of the week in someway.

Some of you will be hugely disappointed that SATs are not happening so, I said that you would have a SATs paper to have a go at…we could not complete the week without one. You have until Thursday to complete it….let me know how you get on! I will post the answers on Friday.

This is our learning timetable for the week. I realise that everyone works slightly differently and you like to see what is coming up over the week. I have attached my visual timetable for the week so you can plan better. Where there is a little camera, that means that I will be filming that lesson for you. You will notice that you have a 3 day history topic this week so you can plan your days accordingly.

Week 7 home learning.PNG

English - Wonder Week 2

This week we will continue reading the next section of Wonder where August starts school for the very first time. Before you start today’s lesson, have a conversation with your parents, give them a little interview. What was their feelings and emotions the day you first started school? Did they have any concerns? Was there any stories about starting school? Do you remember anything? Please share this with me.

Maths - Imperial Measurements Lesson 5

Today is our last lesson on measures before we move onto area and perimeter….and volume (a new area of learning). Watch the video that I have prepared for this lesson and have a go at the questions that I have set.

History - Blackpool Tower.

This is a 3 day lesson and you can choose the order of how you complete the 3 tasks. Be Creative and have fun creating your own Blackpool Tower!