Home Learning - Tuesday 9th May 2020

Good morning Year 6. How are your Share A Talents coming on? I have had some lovely emails from people with great ideas. Keep them coming. Let’s see if we can get everyone involved. I am expecting to see gymnastics, cooking, writing, dancing, music and so much more.

Don’t forget to have a go at our ‘SATs’ papers this week!

This is our learning timetable for the week. I realise that everyone works slightly differently and you like to see what is coming up over the week. I have attached my visual timetable for the week so you can plan better. Where there is a little camera, that means that I will be filming that lesson for you. You will notice that you have a 3 day history topic this week so you can plan your days accordingly.

Week 7 home learning.PNG

English - Wonder Week 2 Lesson 2

This lesson is all about August meeting Jack, Julian and Charlotte. What are you first impressions of the characters? What evidence is there in the text that supports their characteristics? Follow my lesson today as I take you through the lesson and the evidence needed.

Maths - Imperial Measurements Lesson 5


Today is our final visit for now on conversion of measures. I have set you a few tasks to complete.

  1. Converting Measure Mini Assessment - same as last time. Have a go and then mark your work with the answers. Email me via Purple Mash with your results.

  2. Sumdog - some questions to have a go at on converting measures. Now…when I look at Sumdog, I can see that some children are not engaging with it. And I can see which children they are. Have a look at the photograph opposite, can you see that for some of the challenges only 13 children took part. I have to say it is the same children too. In the angles one, it was even worse…just 7 children. Can you sense my down turned face?

    Please, please, please engage in this aspect of your learning. It provides great consolidation for skills. Let’s see if we can have an improvement on numbers this week. For maths, this is a vital way that I can keep assessing and see where you are at. It is really important that you persevere with this.

History - Blackpool Tower.

This is a 3 day lesson and you can choose the order of how you complete the 3 tasks. Be Creative and have fun creating your own Blackpool Tower!

Spanish - How to say the date in Spanish Lesson 4

For those of you who are learning Spanish, here is your next lesson.