Home Learning - Wednesday 10th May 2020

Good morning Year 6. How are your Share A Talents coming on?

  1. If you haven’t emailed me with you mini-maths assessment score. Please do. Number 7 on the answer is incorrect but most of you have spotted that anyway and it is in the class blog.

  2. Send me you talent! I have had some beautiful photos and some amazing videos sent in…please get involved!

  3. Visit SUMDOG….I will be checking the maths numbers from yesterday. There is also lots of maths and grammar on there today. 16 children completed yesterday’s maths…let’s up that please.

Have a wonderful Wednesday learning.

Don’t forget to have a go at our ‘SATs’ papers this week!

This is our learning timetable for the week. I realise that everyone works slightly differently and you like to see what is coming up over the week. I have attached my visual timetable for the week so you can plan better. Where there is a little camera, that means that I will be filming that lesson for you. You will notice that you have a 3 day history topic this week so you can plan your days accordingly.

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English - Wonder Week 2 Lesson 3

Today we are going to revise antonyms and synonyms. These can be tricky but help understand the context and maybe the extent of the character’s feelings. Today we will look at the word ‘nice’ a really bland word. Then I have given you some grammar on Sumdog to practise.

Maths - Area of shapes Lesson 1

Today is the start of our unit of work on area, perimeter and volume.

  1. Watch my lesson on area of shapes and take part in the questions in your maths book.

  2. Sumdog - I have set some questions for you to have a go at on Sumdog. Area of a Rectangle Calculations. This is a Year 5 unit of work but a great consolidation of skills ready for this unit of work.

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History - Blackpool Tower.

This is a 3 day lesson and you can choose the order of how you complete the 3 tasks. Be Creative and have fun creating your own Blackpool Tower!

This is Blackpool Tower by Megan and Isabel. Wow girls…what great effort! The detail is fantastic.

Don’t forget on the leaflet that you can alter the size of the boxes to change the layout of your page. The front page might have a bigger image box and a smaller text box. There is a little purple rectangle just below the image box that you can maneuver into place.